Azure Maps Route Service (preview:2024-07-01)

2024/12/19 • 1 updated methods

Route_PostRouteDirectionsBatch (updated)
Description The `Route Directions Batch` API is an HTTP `POST` request that sends batches of up to **100** queries in a single call to the [Route Directions](/rest/api/maps/route/post-route-directions?view=rest-maps-2024-07-01-preview) API. >[!Important] >By using this feature, you agree to the preview legal terms. See the [Preview Supplemental Terms]( for additional details. ### Submit Synchronous Batch Request The Synchronous API is recommended for lightweight batch requests. When the service receives a request, it will respond as soon as the batch items are calculated and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. The Synchronous API will return a timeout error (a 408 response) if the request takes longer than 60 seconds. The number of batch items is limited to **100** for this API. ``` POST ``` ### POST Body for Batch Request To send the _directions_ queries you will use a `POST` request where the request body will contain the `batchItems` array in `json` format and the `Content-Type` header will be set to `application/json`. Here's a sample request body containing 2 _directions_ queries: ``` { "batchItems": [ { "optionalId": "bbc9c0f6-ab52-49d8-a788-a658fa654c94", "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "coordinates": [ -122.3368, 47.614988 ], "type": "Point" }, "properties": { "pointIndex": 0, "pointType": "waypoint" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "coordinates": [ -122.316067, 47.606356 ], "type": "Point" }, "properties": { "pointIndex": 1, "pointType": "waypoint" } } ], "optimizeRoute": "fastestWithoutTraffic", "routeOutputOptions": [ "routeSummary" ], "maxRouteCount": 3, "travelMode": "driving" }, { "optionalId": "a191de3c-1268-4986-98f0-03f0a5d9302a", "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "coordinates": [ -122.3368, 47.614988 ], "type": "Point" }, "properties": { "pointIndex": 0, "pointType": "waypoint" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "coordinates": [ -122.316067, 47.606356 ], "type": "Point" }, "properties": { "pointIndex": 1, "pointType": "waypoint" } } ], "optimizeRoute": "shortest", "routeOutputOptions": [ "routeSummary" ], "maxRouteCount": 2, "travelMode": "driving" } ] } ``` A _directions_ batchItem object can accept any of the supported _directions_ [Request body](/rest/api/maps/route/post-route-directions?view=rest-maps-2024-07-01-preview#request-body) The batch should contain at least **1** query. ### Batch Response Model The batch response contains a `summary` component that indicates the `totalRequests` that were part of the original batch request and `successfulRequests` i.e. queries which were executed successfully. The batch response also includes a `batchItems` array which contains a response for each and every query in the batch request. The `batchItems` will contain the results in the exact same order the original queries were sent in the batch request. Each item is of one of the following types: - [`DirectionsResponse`](/rest/api/maps/route/post-directions#response) - If the query completed successfully. - `Error` - If the query failed. The response will contain a `code` and a `message` in this case.
Reference Link ¶

⚶ Changes

  "#id": "Route_PostRouteDirectionsBatch",
  "Description": {
    "new": "\n\n\nThe `Route Directions Batch` API is an HTTP `POST` request that sends batches of up to **100** queries in a single call to the [Route Directions](/rest/api/maps/route/post-route-directions?view=rest-maps-2024-07-01-preview) API.\n>[!Important]\n>By using this feature, you agree to the preview legal terms. See the [Preview Supplemental Terms]( for additional details.\n\n### Submit Synchronous Batch Request\nThe Synchronous API is recommended for lightweight batch requests. When the service receives a request, it will respond as soon as the batch items are calculated and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. The Synchronous API will return a timeout error (a 408 response) if the request takes longer than 60 seconds. The number of batch items is limited to **100** for this API.\n```\nPOST\n```\n### POST Body for Batch Request\nTo send the _directions_ queries you will use a `POST` request where the request body will contain the `batchItems` array in `json` format and the `Content-Type` header will be set to `application/json`. Here's a sample request body containing 2 _directions_ queries:\n\n\n```\n{\n  \"batchItems\": [\n    {\n      \"optionalId\": \"bbc9c0f6-ab52-49d8-a788-a658fa654c94\",\n      \"type\": \"FeatureCollection\",\n      \"features\": [\n        {\n          \"type\": \"Feature\",\n          \"geometry\": {\n            \"coordinates\": [\n              -122.3368,\n              47.614988\n            ],\n            \"type\": \"Point\"\n          },\n          \"properties\": {\n            \"pointIndex\": 0,\n            \"pointType\": \"waypoint\"\n          }\n        },\n        {\n          \"type\": \"Feature\",\n          \"geometry\": {\n            \"coordinates\": [\n              -122.316067,\n              47.606356\n            ],\n            \"type\": \"Point\"\n          },\n          \"properties\": {\n            \"pointIndex\": 1,\n            \"pointType\": \"waypoint\"\n          }\n        }\n      ],\n      \"optimizeRoute\": \"fastestWithoutTraffic\",\n      \"routeOutputOptions\": [\n        \"routeSummary\"\n      ],\n      \"maxRouteCount\": 3,\n      \"travelMode\": \"driving\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"optionalId\": \"a191de3c-1268-4986-98f0-03f0a5d9302a\",\n      \"type\": \"FeatureCollection\",\n      \"features\": [\n        {\n          \"type\": \"Feature\",\n          \"geometry\": {\n            \"coordinates\": [\n              -122.3368,\n              47.614988\n            ],\n            \"type\": \"Point\"\n          },\n          \"properties\": {\n            \"pointIndex\": 0,\n            \"pointType\": \"waypoint\"\n          }\n        },\n        {\n          \"type\": \"Feature\",\n          \"geometry\": {\n            \"coordinates\": [\n              -122.316067,\n              47.606356\n            ],\n            \"type\": \"Point\"\n          },\n          \"properties\": {\n            \"pointIndex\": 1,\n            \"pointType\": \"waypoint\"\n          }\n        }\n      ],\n      \"optimizeRoute\": \"shortest\",\n      \"routeOutputOptions\": [\n        \"routeSummary\"\n      ],\n      \"maxRouteCount\": 2,\n      \"travelMode\": \"driving\"\n    }\n  ]\n}\n ```\n\nA _directions_ batchItem object can accept any of the supported _directions_ [Request body](/rest/api/maps/route/post-route-directions?view=rest-maps-2024-07-01-preview#request-body) \n\n\nThe batch should contain at least **1** query.\n\n\n### Batch Response Model\nThe batch response contains a `summary` component that indicates the `totalRequests` that were part of the original batch request and `successfulRequests` i.e. queries which were executed successfully. The batch response also includes a `batchItems` array which contains a response for each and every query in the batch request. The `batchItems` will contain the results in the exact same order the original queries were sent in the batch request. Each item is of one of the following types:\n\n  - [`DirectionsResponse`](/rest/api/maps/route/post-directions#response) - If the query completed successfully.\n\n  - `Error` - If the query failed. The response will contain a `code` and a `message` in this case.\n\n\n",
    "old": "\n\n\nThe `Route Directions Batch` API is an HTTP `POST` request that sends batches of up to **100** queries in a single call to the [Route Directions](/rest/api/maps/route/post-directions?view=rest-maps-2023-10-01-preview) API.\n>[!Important]\n>By using this feature, you agree to the preview legal terms. See the [Preview Supplemental Terms]( for additional details.\n\n### Submit Synchronous Batch Request\nThe Synchronous API is recommended for lightweight batch requests. When the service receives a request, it will respond as soon as the batch items are calculated and there will be no possibility to retrieve the results later. The Synchronous API will return a timeout error (a 408 response) if the request takes longer than 60 seconds. The number of batch items is limited to **100** for this API.\n```\nPOST\n```\n### POST Body for Batch Request\nTo send the _directions_ queries you will use a `POST` request where the request body will contain the `batchItems` array in `json` format and the `Content-Type` header will be set to `application/json`. Here's a sample request body containing 2 _directions_ queries:\n\n\n```\n{\n  \"batchItems\": [\n    {\n      \"optionalId\": \"bbc9c0f6-ab52-49d8-a788-a658fa654c94\",\n      \"type\": \"FeatureCollection\",\n      \"features\": [\n        {\n          \"type\": \"Feature\",\n          \"geometry\": {\n            \"coordinates\": [\n              -122.3368,\n              47.614988\n            ],\n            \"type\": \"Point\"\n          },\n          \"properties\": {\n            \"pointIndex\": 0,\n            \"pointType\": \"waypoint\"\n          }\n        },\n        {\n          \"type\": \"Feature\",\n          \"geometry\": {\n            \"coordinates\": [\n              -122.316067,\n              47.606356\n            ],\n            \"type\": \"Point\"\n          },\n          \"properties\": {\n            \"pointIndex\": 1,\n            \"pointType\": \"waypoint\"\n          }\n        }\n      ],\n      \"optimizeRoute\": \"fastestWithoutTraffic\",\n      \"routeOutputOptions\": [\n        \"routeSummary\"\n      ],\n      \"maxRouteCount\": 3,\n      \"travelMode\": \"driving\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"optionalId\": \"a191de3c-1268-4986-98f0-03f0a5d9302a\",\n      \"type\": \"FeatureCollection\",\n      \"features\": [\n        {\n          \"type\": \"Feature\",\n          \"geometry\": {\n            \"coordinates\": [\n              -122.3368,\n              47.614988\n            ],\n            \"type\": \"Point\"\n          },\n          \"properties\": {\n            \"pointIndex\": 0,\n            \"pointType\": \"waypoint\"\n          }\n        },\n        {\n          \"type\": \"Feature\",\n          \"geometry\": {\n            \"coordinates\": [\n              -122.316067,\n              47.606356\n            ],\n            \"type\": \"Point\"\n          },\n          \"properties\": {\n            \"pointIndex\": 1,\n            \"pointType\": \"waypoint\"\n          }\n        }\n      ],\n      \"optimizeRoute\": \"shortest\",\n      \"routeOutputOptions\": [\n        \"routeSummary\"\n      ],\n      \"maxRouteCount\": 2,\n      \"travelMode\": \"driving\"\n    }\n  ]\n}\n ```\n\nA _directions_ batchItem object can accept any of the supported _directions_ [Request body](/rest/api/maps/route/post-directions?view=rest-maps-2023-10-01-preview#request-body) \n\n\nThe batch should contain at least **1** query.\n\n\n### Batch Response Model\nThe batch response contains a `summary` component that indicates the `totalRequests` that were part of the original batch request and `successfulRequests` i.e. queries which were executed successfully. The batch response also includes a `batchItems` array which contains a response for each and every query in the batch request. The `batchItems` will contain the results in the exact same order the original queries were sent in the batch request. Each item is of one of the following types:\n\n  - [`DirectionsResponse`](/rest/api/maps/route/post-directions#response) - If the query completed successfully.\n\n  - `Error` - If the query failed. The response will contain a `code` and a `message` in this case.\n\n\n"
  "Summary": {
    "new": "Use to send a batch of queries to the [Route Directions](/rest/api/maps/route/post-route-directions?view=rest-maps-2024-07-01-preview) API in a single synchronous request.",
    "old": "Use to send a batch of queries to the [Route Directions](/rest/api/maps/route/post-directions?view=rest-maps-2023-10-01-preview) API in a single synchronous request."

⚼ Request

POST:  /route/directions:batch
x-ms-client-id: string ,
api-version: string ,
Accept-Language: string ,
object ,

⚐ Response (200)

successfulRequests: integer ,
totalRequests: integer ,
object ,

⚐ Response (default)

x-ms-error-code: string ,
code: string ,
message: string ,
target: string ,
string ,
code: string ,
innererror: string ,